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L'Amnistie aux Métis de Manitoba: Mémoire sur les Causes des Troubles du Nord-Ouest
et sur les Négociations qui ont amené leur Règlement Aiable
by Louis Riel 1874 43pp
Brief Account of the Fenian Raids on the Missisquoi Frontier, in 1866 and 1870
by?? 1871 32pp
The Canadian Militia! Its Organization and Present Condition
by Robert Davis 1873 16pp
Considérations sur l'Organisation Militaire de la Confédération Canadienne
by L.G. D'Orsonnens 1874 70pp
The Creation of Manitoba; or, a History of the Red River Troubles
by Alexander Begg 1871 408pp
L'Expédition Militaire de Manitoba, 1870
by Benjamin Sulte 1871 50pp
The Fenian Raid of 1870, by Reporters Present at the Scenes
by?? 1870 73pp
My Campaign at Niagara: Being a very Veracious Account of Camp-Life and its Vicissitudes;
and the Experiences, Triumphs, Trials and Sorrows of a Canadian Volunteer, by T.W.
by?? 1871 95pp
Nos Croisés; ou, Histoire Anecdotique de l'Expédition des Volontaires Canadiens
à Rome pour la Défense de l'Eglise
by?? 1871 338pp
Précis Historique du 17ième Bataillon d'Infanterie de Lévis, depuis sa Formation
en 1862 jusqu'à 1872, suivi des Ordres Permanents du Même Corps
by L.G. Desjardins 1872 89pp
Prise de Rome: Odysée des Zouaves Canadiens de Rome à Québec
by François Lachance 1870 47pp
The Rebellion in the Red River Settlement, 1869-70: its Cause and Suppression; a Lecture Delivered at Clifton, October 25th, 1871
by N. Willoughby Wallace 1872 40pp
The Red River Expedition
by G.L. Huyshe 1871 276pp
The Red River Expedition
by J.C. Major 1870 28pp
Reminiscences of the Red River Rebellion of 1869
by George Denison 1873 45pp
Thoughts on Defence; from a Canadian Point of View, by a Canadian
by W.F. Coffin 1870 55pp